Name Dewei Calamansi
University Singapore University
Department Department of Educational Technology
Date June 2024


<aside> <img src="/icons/pencil_gray.svg" alt="/icons/pencil_gray.svg" width="40px" /> This thesis explores the influence of augmented reality (AR) technology on education. By examining existing literature and conducting original research in classroom settings, the study aims to determine how AR can enhance learning experiences and outcomes. Key findings indicate that AR technology significantly improves student engagement and understanding of complex subjects. The study concludes with recommendations for integrating AR into educational curricula to optimize learning benefits.




Augmented reality (AR) technology overlays digital information onto the real world, enhancing user experiences. In education, AR has the potential to transform traditional learning methods.

Fig 7. Visualising what we know, 2021, MIT Press

Fig 7. Visualising what we know, 2021, MIT Press

Research Question


To evaluate the effects of AR on student motivation, comprehension, and retention of information.


Understanding the role of AR in education can guide its effective integration, leading to more interactive and immersive learning environments.

Literature Review

The literature review examines current research on AR in education.

Theoretical Framework