Landing page redesign

Doc owner: @Sohrab Amin

Date: January 25, 2022

Department: Product & Eng

📕 Exec summary

2-3 sentences of what the problem is, the recommended action and the key metrics. Best done at the end of writing the rest.

We’ve successfully increased landing page traffic for Q4 but metrics are far below industry standards. Interaction per visit, average time on page, number of shares need to improve.

🌱 What is the problem?

Quickly state and explore the problem, with numbers about why this is a problem.

Landing page metrics are far below industry standards. Interaction per visit, average time on page, bounce rate need to improve. See full KPIs here → Landing page metrics.

Q4 - Landing page KPIs

Oct 1 Nov 1 Dec 1 Q4 Averages
Page views 8400 7800 9400 8533
Unique visitors 3450 3130 5690 4090
Avg time on page 0.4h 0.35h 0.5h 0.416h
Interaction /visit 1.5 2.1 2 1.866
Bounce rate 12.00% 16.00% 18.00% 15.33%
Scroll depth 50.00% 60.00% 45.00% 51.67%
Num shares 145 186 225 185

💡 What are potential solutions?

Brainstorm a list of potential solutions for the problem below.