💡 Notion Tip: Use this template to prepare your candidate for their interview and provide resources like videos, links, schedules and more. Learn more about different types of content blocks here.
Embed a company video that illustrates what you do and why you do them.
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<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/27086fbd-f918-4e64-b1fb-90d24106dac3/Screen_Shot_2021-06-10_at_2.41.52_PM.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/27086fbd-f918-4e64-b1fb-90d24106dac3/Screen_Shot_2021-06-10_at_2.41.52_PM.png" width="40px" /> Note that all interviews will be conducted virtually over Zoom until we're able to return safely to the office.
📚 General advice
Use the space below to provide general advice that applies to any role at your company. You can add more detailed advice and prep in the section below.
- Read over the job description. To get ready for your interview, read through the job description and make sure you know what is expected of the role.
- Everyone loves a candidate who does their homework! Do some research on who you'll be meeting (we'll give you names ahead of time), and do some reading on Notion as a company, business, and product. You should know what our mission and values are and be able to speak to them.
- Breaks. We know that interviewing at home can be stressful. For interviews lasting more than 3 hours, we will do our best to include a break in your schedule. If you need any additional breaks, just let us know. Also, our interviewing team is totally understanding if you need to quickly step away or run to the restroom - you're human!
- We love to ask behavioral-based interview questions. Behavioral questions usually start with phrases like “tell me about a time when” or “give me an example of". We want to understand what you owned and what you delivered. Expect follow-up questions such as, “what did you do then?” or “what was the result?”
- Listen carefully. If you don't fully understand the question, please ask! You can ask the interviewer to clarify or rephrase their question. Also, feel free to tell your interviewer you need a moment to collect your thoughts.
- Be concise. Communication is important in all of our roles here. ****We recommend being thorough but concise. In general, we'd like to hear about fewer things but in more detail. We want to hear about the details of the challenges you've encountered and what exactly you did. Avoid giving "whirlwind tours" that touch on a lot of areas but only superficially or talking about your team or company in a way that makes it hard to ascertain your personal contribution. It's helpful for us to hear about outcomes and impact and not just inputs.
- Come with questions. This is your chance to interview us as well. We value curiosity and want to answer your questions.
Make it easy for your candidate to understand your company better by linking to all your communities, socials, blogs and more!
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