Guest Policy at Lumi Labs

At Lumi Labs, we welcome guests who are visiting to conduct business or for other pre-approved purposes. In order to ensure the security and productivity of our office, please follow the below policy:

  1. All guests must be invited by a Lumi Labs employee. The inviting employee is responsible for the guest's conduct while they are in the office.
  2. Guests must sign in at the front desk upon arrival, providing their full name and the name of their host, and sign out when they leave.
  3. Guests should be accompanied by their host at all times while in the office.
  4. Guests are not allowed to use Lumi Labs equipment or resources unless specifically permitted by their host.
  5. Confidential and proprietary information must not be shared with guests unless necessary for business purposes and with the approval of a manager.
  6. Guests must sign an NDA