<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_red.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_red.svg" width="40px" /> Welcome to the Lumi Labs Software Development Kit (SDK) Guide! This guide will help you streamline your integration with the Lumi Labs smart lighting platform. Our SDKs provide pre-built libraries, tools, and examples that simplify the process of building applications and services that interact with Lumi Labs devices.


Key Benefits of Using the SDK

Available SDKs

We currently offer SDKs for the following programming languages:

(We are actively working on expanding our SDK offerings to include other popular languages.)

Getting Started

  1. Choose Your SDK: Select the SDK that matches your preferred programming language.
  2. Installation: Follow the instructions in the SDK's documentation to install it in your development environment.
  3. Authentication: Use your Lumi Labs API key to authenticate with the SDK.
  4. Explore the API: Familiarize yourself with the available classes, functions, and methods provided by the SDK.

Code Examples

Here's a simple example demonstrating how to use the Lumi Labs Python SDK to turn on a light:
