*To best track progress, we recommend copying and pasting this list onto a separate document.
- [ ] Establish list of makers and contributors to be enabled
- [ ] Identify dates for enablement sessions
- [ ] Send enablement session communications via our Communication Plan resources:
- [ ] Send calendar invites to maker enablement session
- [ ] Send calendar invites to contributor enablement session
- [ ] Customize enablement decks for training
- [ ] Invite all makers and contributors to your Productboard space
- [ ] Create teams
- [ ] Configure Productboard space with specific maker and contributor training views:
- [ ] Roadmaps
- [ ] Prioritization
- [ ] Insights collections
- [ ] Adjust share settings for views created
- [ ] Establish governance document to help contributors assign tags and ownership of notes
- [ ] Establish internal channel to field stakeholder questions
- [ ] Host maker enablement session (Productboard team in attendance) and record it
- [ ] Host contributor enablement session (Productboard team in attendance) and record it
- [ ] Send post-enablement session communications via our Communication Plan resources (include the session recording, deck, guide, videos and additional resources as needed):
- [ ] Establish Productboard training process for new hires
- [ ] Work with CSM on refresher training opportunity